3 Ways to Align Recruitment with Organisational Goals
Have you ever thought why “some people just don’t get it”? I am sure you may have resonated this in your head while at work or probably taking part in a management meeting, during a round table discussion or most probably a zoom meeting these days.
We wonder why a person would keep coming up with new ideas in every discussion when we are struggling to first finish the projects at hand, or someone just keeps saying that he/she needs to get this done immediately knowing that there are challenges to be addressed. Then you probably wonder “who hired this person for the role? ”, as he/she may seem clearly not understanding where the department is headed.
This is just one example, but you may have seen plenty of such situations. These situations usually account to more discussion times, conflicts among team members, and unmet targets.
Let’s look at how we can avoid such situations by addressing some probable root causes.
Ensure these points are considered from the first step of your recruitment process.
Take some time to analyse, discuss and understand the expected behavioral demands of the job role that you are trying to fill. It means that you get to know the expectations of the direct reports (bottom-up and top-down) through a sample of 4 to 5 people. Believe me its not a waste of time, this will save you lot of time while short-listing, interviewing, and not having to re-hire at a later stage. I am aware that you would probably have a target timeline to fill the position, however, if the time-to-fill is highly regarded against the quality of your candidate’s suitability to the role, you will keep hiring every now and then for the same role and of course not to mention the impact of cost here whilst failing to align your output to organisational or departmental goals.
Please note, you may not need this exercise for all your vacancies, but our recommendation is to at least use it for Senior Level recruitment as they play a fundamental role in spearheading the path to achieve organizational goals.
Don’t initiate the recruitment process if you are not sure and you think you can tackle it at the interview round as the hiring manager will also be part of the interview panel. Clarifying the requirement will help to filter the most suitable candidate without having to only consider their hard skills based on CV. Eligibility alone will not suffice, especially if it’s a senior management role as these involve extensive decision making.
If you are clear here, you will be aware what the company is looking to achieve in the next few years, and what would need to be contributed by this role to fulfill these requirements. For example, if the company has a goal to achieve a Net Promoter Score of 9/10 average by the end of the year, you should not be looking at a person who has high qualifications in Management Accounting field with 10 years’ work experience in a relevant field, you will rather look for a person who would be good at making connections with people, who will focus more on a customer experience perspective as that would add value to the overall organisational goal and also the candidate will be able to effectively contribute.
This is a secret used by many successful corporate and point 1 and 2 can be covered through this. According to Belbin’s Team Role Theory, there are 9 different team roles that we come across daily at our workplaces. As everyone of us are unique in nature, we have our preferred job roles and Dr. Meredith Belbin has introduced a series of reports that can analyse the behaviors of an individual through which their strengths and weaknesses can be identified.
However, for the recruiters and HR professionals, most important report type out of many would be the “Belbin Job Report” as it showcases the soft skills that a candidate should possess, expectations from the hiring manager, and an outline of the expected cultural fit within the existing team.
This report is done through an online job requirement inventory where the line manager or the hiring manager would be answering some questions (20 minutes) to distinguish which behavioral attributes will be needed to be successful in the role. This also includes requirements outlined by few observers, i.e., probably the direct reports, teammates, or any relevant stakeholder who would be working immediately with the new recruit.
Check out our uses of Belbin’s Theory page to know more.. we are here to assist you with your reports. Click Here